Reasons to Smile.

1. April flowers. 

2. Feeding my grandma some messy, cheesy, and vegan lasagna this Easter weekend and her loving it.

  My lasagna.

My grandma after eating eat my lasagna.

3. Traveling with my mom from her Delaware home all the way to Maryland just to visit their Whole Foods, then proceeding to stay there for two hours, and spending a pretty penny on a ton of delicious vegan food.

4. Meeting Chef Gretchen from my Mom's first Meat-Out and dining at her beautiful Rehoboth Beach restaurant, Hobos. Check out some of the food!

So yummy...

So delicious...
 I know you want to eat the pictures...

My mom and her friend Keith agree - this food is good! 

5. Plate+Simple, a new vegan blog by a very awesome lady and KMIV follower named Hilary. Check it out guys and gals!

6. My grandma making the same (vegan) salad on Easter that she's made for years and years.

7. Missionary Chocolates, an adorable vegan chocolate company with a great story. After visiting their website, check out the blog!

8. The fact that it's visiting season for the Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary. Get in your cars (or buses or zipcars) people, and go visit those cute and cuddly rescued farm animals!

9. Receiving so many inspiring thank-you notes in my email inbox from readers of the blog. Thank you for continuing to show me not only the reasons to keep smiling, but also the reasons to keep working to make this blog better. You rock!

10. Rini (Steve and my first rescue kitty).

11. Vicki (our second).

12. Guster (our third).

 13. Elie Wiesel and his beautiful words:

"There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest."

I second that, Elie!

What are your reasons to smile today?
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Reasons to Smile.
Reasons to Smile.
Reviewed by citra
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Rating : 4.5