Earth Day is tomorrow, which is one of my favorite times of year, because it allows me to share the deep and direct connection between eating animal products and the destruction of our environment (something you may or may not already be aware of). This is a fact that is both difficult to take in and empowering to hear, because the best part about knowing this is that you can make a difference every single day with your fork. You can choose to eat vegan - and by choosing veganism, you are not only working to better the lives of animals who desperately need our help, or to better your own health and physical well-being, but you are taking massive leaps and bounds with a vegan diet to help save our Earth.
Fact: According to a 2006 UN-sponsored report titled "Livestock's Long Shadow," factory farming plays a major role in every aspect of environmental collapse, from ozone depletion to ocean dead zones. Factory farms, which hold tens of thousands of animals per facility in windowless warehouses throughout the country, are responsible for more than 18 percent of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide.
Fact: According to Environmental Defense, if every American skipped one meal of meat per week and substituted vegetarian foods instead, the carbon dioxide savings would be the same as taking more than a half-million cars off U.S. roads.
Fact: The University of Chicago reports that going vegan is 50% more effective than switching to a hybrid car in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
In honor of Earth Day, I am asking you, my readers and supporters, to make the pledge of sharing this vital information with one friend, loved one, co-worker, or acquaintance in your life. We are getting to the point where big change needs to happen in our world, and I encourage you to share these facts with others because it will hopefully empower them to make better choices as well.
And now, for the main event - my husband's first guest blog on Kiss Me, I'm Vegan!. Steve has been wanting to do a guest blog for a while now, so I am thrilled to be able to share his words with you. I remember thinking back when Steve ate meat and I desperately wanted him to go vegan - "Steve is the best guy I know, and the kindest person in my life - if he can't make the change, then what about everyone else?" Well, Steve did make that change, and his story below is proof that he is not only living that change successfully, but he also is using his personal experience to fuel positive change in others. Read on!
Paying It Forward for Earth Day
by Steven Todd Smith
At the Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary, October 2009.
My journey (indirectly) began when Lindsay, my wife, then girlfriend (but always soulmate, and your lovely bloganista) decided to go vegetarian after I specifically showed her the tragic, gruesome ending of Fast Food Nation, depicting the unfortunate fate of cows in a slaughterhouse. Her journey took many bumps and bends, but consistently led her in the direction of truth, compassion, and a choice for the greater good.
Dancing at our wedding, November 2009.
During this time, I had direct exposure to her discoveries. Lindsay would read me passages from books - how an animal-based diet is detrimental to your health, testimonials from workers in the factory farming industry, and inspirational quotes from brilliant thinkers who knew the good that came from eating a plant-based diet. She would show me videos online, like Earthlings and Meet your Meat, and, while I was very resistant at first, I eventually took in what I was seeing and hearing.
Cooking tofu cutlets for our first ever married - and vegan -
Thanksgiving, November 2009.
Change is a scary thing to face in your life, especially when it involves revamping all or most of the habits/beliefs you've had thus far. Knowing that I did want what was best for me, for living creatures, and the world but also knowing that I don't like being forced into anything, I decided to educate myself on my terms, in my own time. Lindsay's patience and guidance helped me the whole way. The major catalysts for me were:
1) In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan, which made me look at the food industry and what I eat in a totally different way.
2) Food, Inc., which confirmed those new thoughts and put a visual with it. I actually kicked the wall of the movie theater as I left. I was that mad and ready to start making changes.
2) Food, Inc., which confirmed those new thoughts and put a visual with it. I actually kicked the wall of the movie theater as I left. I was that mad and ready to start making changes.
3) Skinny Bastard, by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin (of New York Times Bestseller Skinny Bitch), which covered the gamut of an animal-based diet vs. a plant based diet. This was a book Lindsay gave to me for my birthday last year. It was a present from Lindsay that officially changed my life.
Having a head-butting contest with Ann the goat at WFAS, October 2009.
With the seeds Lindsay had planted for me along her journey and with my three major catalysts, I took a month-long veg pledge in July 2009 which continued on throughout the summer. By the end of August, not only was I still eating vegetarian, but I had also cut out dairy and eggs. I made the decision to go vegan.
Sharing a moment with a dolphin in Santa Monica, August 2009.
Going vegan in September 2009 (thanks to my wife!) was a rebirthing of myself in a sense. It opened my eyes to the horrors and tragedies that take place in the world and made me realize that I do not want to be a part of them. It opened my eyes to a world of choice, showing me that I am responsible for my lifestyle and however it affects me or others around me. It opened me up to life, kindness, and, of course, delicious food.
The most amazing part about going vegan thus far - besides how great I feel about myself and how lucky I am to cook and eat such delicious food with my wife, family, and friends - is the whole "Pay It Forward" nature of the simple act of going vegan.
Meeting vegan advocate and actress Alicia Silverstone, March 2010.
It was very difficult to know about the animal cruelty and the health and environmental dangers of an animal-based diet and not be able to tell everyone I knew everything I knew. But through the friendly sharing of knowledge, introducing others to yummy vegan food, and the recommendation of excellent books and films, I've begun to see the chain of "paying it forward" starting.
I ate meat, dairy, and eggs for 25 years of my life. During that time, I knew a few vegetarians and a couple of vegans. Now, after seven months of living vegan, I not only find myself in a GIGANTIC community of wonderful, loving vegans, but I'm beginning to see the seeds of change within those closest to me.
Cutting our 100% vegan wedding cake, November 2009.
The idea of "paying it forward" can spread so much good over such a vast network/community/population of people that it's amazing to really think how powerful the one initial spark can be. As a gift, I gave Skinny Bastard to one of my best friends who has already been around Lindsay and I enough to have discussed issues on health, animal cruelty, and the environment; to have eaten home cooked and restaurant vegan meals with us; to know why we decided to go vegan and what it means to us. As of this past Monday, this best friend of mine has been eating completely vegan for one month. Not only that, but because of this bold decision of my friend, other mutual friends are beginning to show interest. Knowing both of us as former meat-eaters, and now seeing us cook vegan dishes for Super Bowl parties and other events, our friends are beginning to wonder what this whole vegan thing is about. The seed is being planted.
Videotaping Lindsay and my fundraiser for Farm Sanctuary
and Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary, March 2010.
and Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary, March 2010.
But the chain extends even further! I can now happily say that from a group of family and friends that also ate meat, dairy, and eggs, I have:
- One amazing mother, 4 months vegetarian/pescatarian, who cooks delicious vegetarian and vegan meals for friends and is beginning to see her friends cook veggie sometimes too!
- One amazing father, who experienced his first vegan Thanksgiving with Lindsay, myself, and the rest of the family, and is keeping his mind and tastebuds open to new foods being introduced into his life!
- One stepmother-in-law, making the choice to abstain from eating land animals for the past month since our fundraiser!
- One stepmother-in-law, making the choice to abstain from eating land animals for the past month since our fundraiser!
- One brother-in-law, doing a veg pledge and slowly working vegan elements into his diet! (His girlfriend is on her second pledge!)
- One sister-in-law who has tried out going both veg and vegan at different times in the past couple of years and is continuing to discover where her path leads her!
- One mother-in-law and her partner who've eaten vegan for the last couple of months!
- Many others now interested in trying out parts of a veg/vegan diet!
The world is getting better and better. :-)
In honor of Earth Day, please share with the Kiss Me, I'm Vegan! community:
Paying It Forward: An Earth Day Guest Blog by Steven Todd Smith
Reviewed by citra
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Rating : 4.5
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Rating : 4.5