*A couple of exceptions...
Besides the nutrition we receive from our whole plant foods, we have a couple of important players in the game of optimal health that are difficult to find just from our whole plant foods. Specifically, we need Vitamin B12* & Vitamin D*.
I could write an entire article on B12 and Vit. D, but this post is mainly to introduce you to a company that provides quality vegan supplements and products - a huge bonus for all of us compassion warriors out there. Please take a look at these articles from The Vegetarian Resource Group and Jack Norris, RD (of Vegan Outreach) for more information:
Vitamin D: http://www.vrg.org/journal/vj2009issue2/2009_issue2_vitamin_d.php, http://www.veganhealth.org/articles/bones
Vitamin B12: http://www.veganhealth.org/articles/vitaminb12, http://www.vrg.org/nutrition/b12.htm
(I highly recommending reading all articles!)
To give you a super Cliffs Notes rundown:
- B12 comes from bacteria. With downfall of agricultural practices, it's much more difficult (to impossible) to obtain B12 from plants. Some fermented foods have minimal amounts of B12. Many plant-based food products (like plant milks) are B12 fortified (still minimal). Two kinds: Methylcobalamin and cyanocobalamin (a lot of literature/science recommends methyl-).
- Vitamin D, acts more like a hormone than vitamin, comes from (is synthesized from) sunlight (action of UV rays on skin - read more on process above)! Two kinds: D3 (animal-based) & D2 (plant-based).
- Deficiency in either is not good for you.
And that brings us to Pure Vegan! Pure Vegan's mission statement reads:
Pure Vegan's quality approach to creating these exclusive formulas begins in the growing fields and continues through every stage until the product is consumed. The integrity, authenticity and validation of our raw materials are a fundamental factor in the quality of every Pure Vegan product. Pure Vegan's raw materials are sourced with information regarding its processing methods and verification that they are not tested on animals. Pure Vegan is a revolutionary supplement line supported by full scientific research and protocols specifically for Vegans and Vegetarians.
It's wonderful knowing that there's a company that provides high-quality vegan products for your health, when needed. I had the pleasure of sampling three of their products: the Complete Meal Replacement powder, the Vitamin B12 spray, and the Vitamin D2 spray.
The B12 and D2 sprays proved to be very helpful. The B12 is the preferred methylcobalamin, cherry flavored, and a quick spray is all you need. The D2 is cherry flavored also, one spray also. Super easy - I definitely recommend the B12 methyl-spray, and, for those who do not get much exposure to the sun, the D2 spray. It makes keeping your levels at a safe, healthful level very convenient.
Pure Vegan has a wealth of other supplements, which you can check out on their website. Please check it out and show them your KMIV support! Their service is top-notch, and they've shown me they really care about their customers. And, in the spirit of a company that cares about their customers, they are offering a GIVEAWAY!!!
Pure Vegan is giving away TWO B12 Sprays to TWO lucky kissable followers out there. All you have to do is jump on the Rafflecopter widget below and follow the simple directions. Good luck & enjoy!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
All the best and yummiest to you! And, of course, plenty of vegan kisses!
Pure Vegan Review and Giveaway!
Reviewed by citra
Published :
Rating : 4.5
Published :
Rating : 4.5