What an amazing thing Streaming Hope is. I got to rock it out on Friday night at this beautiful, beautiful open mic experience in Los Angeles, produced by Anto Boghokian. Streaming Hope has been going on for almost a year now, and it's all about the developing artist, whether it's through poetry, song, or a little mix of both. I attended one before I joined in the ranks, and it's really unlike any other open mic experience I've come across. If you're in LA, you should totally check it out (and for more info, click here).
I've been toying with a song called "Maxine" I wrote a few years back for a Farm Sanctuary fundraiser I did in NYC. Well, I decided to take her for a walk at Streaming Hope and had really positive, supportive response. Enjoy the performance here, with Kurt Peterson on guitar.
Maxine @ Streaming Hope.

Reviewed by citra
Published :
Rating : 4.5
Published :
Rating : 4.5