Happy Valentine's Day from Ahimsa Life Coaching!

Happy Valentine's Day, KMIV-ers! Below, enjoy a guest post from my vegan valentine, hubby and wellness coach Steven Todd Smith. Steve is feeling the love this month and is offering not only his wisdom and guidance, but some majorly kiss-worthy coaching discounts to boot! How will you be spending your Valentine's Day? Hopefully with a yummy vegan meal, someone you love, and with the knowledge that you are a gift to this world. I love you, I celebrate you, and I am so thankful to have your readership and support. Alrighty - here's Steve!

Ahimsa. Life Coaching. Health Coaching. Thrive.  Vegan.  Live with compassion.

Happy V-Day!  Love is in the air, isn't it?  Oh, it certainly is.  I send best wishes for a Vegetable Love! beautiful day for you to share your love with another (don't get dirty with me...too dirty, that is) - be it a friend, a family member, or your significant other.  Or maybe someone you just met!  While love is in the air to connect you with others, you should also take time to focus on the #1 person in your life: you.  Take a moment, or many, this V-Day and make sure you love yourself.  You deserve it!  All the hard work you do, all the love to give - while you'll most likely receive it from others, it can't hurt to give to and receive from yourself, right? 

The letter "V" plays a large role in my life and is the beginning of so many essential words to include in your life: Veganism - a compassionate, ethical, and rewarding lifestyle, founded on the tenet of Ahimsa; Valentine - that special someone, with whom you can celebrate love, connection, passion, intimacy, happiness on this special day!; Vitality - exuberance, the energy and strength, both inner and outer, that propels you forward toward achievement, fulfillment, and life in general: the spark for living!

Well, today, I would like to be your Vital Vegan Valentine (yes, that's right, your VVV) and offer you a gift to show my love and appreciation for you and all that you do!

In addition to the Leap Year Month Special! that's running through February, now you can be my double Valentine with a 2-for-1 Valentine's Day Special for any coaching program you choose.  Yep, you heard right.  You and someone of your choosing - could be your Valentine...could be your favorite food vendor - can each receive a coaching program for the price of one!  But act soon!  My love for all of you will never be extinguished, but
this "2-4-1 VDay" Special comes to an end on Sunday, February 19th at 7:00 pm PST.  That means you could be in for a double DOUBLE gift if you are one of the first five to sign up for a coaching program in the next five days: a Leap Year Month 2-4-1 VDay X-traSpecial! 

Contact me about how to take the next step toward your Valentine Vitality.

Wishing you lots of love on this special day.  Remember: make sure to share some with yourself. 

All the best and yummiest,

Steven Todd Smith, CHHC, AADP
Life Nutrition Coach
Ahimsa Life Coaching

"Everybody's looking for happiness.  Everybody's looking for love.  And hardly anybody finds it.  Because we're looking for it in the world, and you can't find it there...it's inside of you." ~Larry Crane 
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Red: The Color of Love and... 
Kidney Beans
Peppers - Bell and Chile
Red Guava
Red Onions

Why are these red foods so loveable?
- Excellent sources of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytochemicals: lycopene, beta-carotene, vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin C, iron, manganese, potassium, fiber

Eat at least one red food listed above this Valentine's Day to combine great passion with excellent health! 
2012 LogoQuestions!Not enough being given away?  Jump into discovering the greatest meaning in your life by participating in ALC's Facebook LogoQuestions.  All you have to do is answer a question, which is posted on ALC's Facebook Wall, each day of a month.  Simple as that.  Anyone who answers all of the month's questions is entered into a random drawing for some more awesome prizes.  There will be a question a day, meaning 366 chances to draw greater meaning and purpose from who are you, and at least 12 chances to win prizes!

Check out more about what LogoQuestions are all about and the amazing prizes (always adding new ones!) that you can win from just creating meaning for yourself.

This coupon is good for two Ahimsa Life Coaching Programs for the price of one.  Eligible with any 3-month, 6-month, or "Call to Action" program.  When contacting Steve for your free consultation, please reference the code "241VDAY" to take advantage of this offer.  Please feel free to forward this offer to any other that may find this offer valuable.  Can be used in combination with the current Leap Year Month discount. 
Offer Expires: Sunday, February 19th, 2012 @ 7 PM PST
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Happy Valentine's Day from Ahimsa Life Coaching!
Happy Valentine's Day from Ahimsa Life Coaching!
Reviewed by citra
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Rating : 4.5