Kiss My Vegan... Cupcakes?

Today, I got gutsy and decided to entertain the idea of actually trying to start a vegan baking company.  Without getting too personal, it definitely stemmed from a mildly chaotic experience recently that has shaken up my world a bit - losing a job opportunity. That'll get anybody to want to do something completely radical. In my case, it made me want to bake a whole bunch of cupcakes and eat them. And then bake more. And eat those. The seed of a business idea can begin at the oddest moments.

Sometimes you gotta take some risks....

To reap the greatest rewards! (Or something.)

Now, when I get an idea for something, I'm the kind of person who will mildly obsess over it until I have absolutely convinced myself I have to do it. So, this morning, I scrambled around to make a mock logo and a name for it, which I actually think is kind of cute: Kiss My Vegan Cupcakes

Could this be the start of something big? 
Or at least medium sized?

But of course now my overly analytical self has managed to cause me to question my beloved company (that I haven't technically started yet) name. 

So, I'm opening the issue up to you - my small, but loving group of supporters. If you have an idea, an image that comes to mind, anything really - feel free to comment! 

And hey - maybe if I like whatcha got - I'll make you some yummy cupcakes as a token of my thanks. Well, at least if you live near Brooklyn.

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Kiss My Vegan... Cupcakes?
Kiss My Vegan... Cupcakes?
Reviewed by citra
Published :
Rating : 4.5