A quick thought as you go through your day...

The Dalai Lama looked at the moon shining in the night sky and said, "Isn't it beautiful up there!" Everyone sighed and agreed. "Ah, but we don't live on the moon," he said.
"Our job is to make it beautiful down here."

(This was a quote I found at the beginning of Ingrid Newkirk's amazing book Making Kind Choices. Ingrid - who happens to be the co-founder and president of PETA - has written a beautiful and compelling guide to help you make compassionate choices in every part your daily life. If you are looking to find simple and easy ways to be more generous to the world around you, I highly recommend this book as a great place to start.)
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A quick thought as you go through your day...
A quick thought as you go through your day...
Reviewed by citra
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Rating : 4.5