This is my first “Reasons to Smile” yet not my first time smiling nor my last time sharing my reasons for doing so with you lovely KMIVers. Enjoy!
Okay, not the best smile, but it's my first time writing my reasons! Better smiles to come! |
1. A good night’s sleep. There’s nothing better than waking up feeling fresh and alert. The day automatically starts off on a good note – it’s as if anything is possible and the world is waiting for you to take it. There’s no trying to overcome fatigue with sugar or caffeine, sluggishness is not beckoning at your heels, and the moments of clarity that come from being fully rested…well, it’s a huge reason to smile.
2. Veggie Grill. There’s no escaping it…and why would I or anyone else want to? Now, in addition to the Sunset Blvd Center location right by the Crunch fitness center we go to (which translates to a VG meal after a workout), there’s a new VG that opened up in the Grove, about a 4-5 minute drive (or 10 minute run) from us. And, for those days I’m jonesing some Mac ‘N Cheese, All Hail Kale, or Santa Fe Chicken, it’s right there for me. My safety net, looking after my taste buds with some mean cuisine.
3. The Fire Escape Bar. Catchy name? Sorry, it’s a private bar/club to myself and Lindsay. And it’s right outside our 4th floor hallway. For those days when going out is not an option, or when we don’t feel like dropping a bunch of money on pricey drinks: a blanket and a few pillows on the fire escape (think Duvet, NYC – Sex and the City – the place with the beds….) and some Steve mixology with whatever fun spirits and juices are in the apartment make for an romantic getaway from the hubbub of life. Except for the honking and helicopters and neighbors who yell “Hi!” to us when they see us through the window. But, besides that, it’s nice and simple and fun. Our getaway from home not too far from home.
Lila and Steve. What a cute couple. |
4. Rescued farmed animals. It’s a miracle. These animals that were borne, grown, and destined to end up on someone’s plate or body, or to be used as an experiment for the latest pill or shampoo, now get to live their lives freely, in peace. Animal Acres, our nearest LA animal haven, and Farm Sanctuary, our latest shelter road trip upstate, are amazing places. Everyone involved with these two sanctuaries does such selfless work. Thank you for being there for the animals. They need a voice, a hand, and a lot of love. Thank you for giving it to them.
5. My new iPhone 4. Amazing creature, it is. It’s been so long since I’ve worked out while listening to my own music. I’ve gotten so frustrated trying to talk on the phone in the car, knowing I shouldn’t, trying to figure out a way to hold the phone and get good volume without placing it up to my ear. After losing my ability to text successfully because the buttons wouldn’t work as well, or running out of memory space and deleting constantly, it was time. It was time to have an awesome phone that could do everything and more. I’m building up my apps, taking my beautiful HD pics and videos, and checking my internet away from the apartment now. I’m up to date with the world now.
6. Guster mounting Jumper. Yes, one of our male cats, Guster, (almost four years old, neutered three years ago) mounted our restless kitten, Jumper, (nine months, neutered, and still a kitten, yeah?) and started humping him. Jumper didn’t flinch for a while. It was…interesting. Oh, boys. They’ll never learn.
7. The newest books to my collection: Colleen Patrick Goudreau’s Vegan’s Daily Companion, Will Tuttle’s The World Peace Diet, and Maya Tawari’s Living Ahimsa Diet. Can’t wait to read them!
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Here Kale Comes to Save the Day!!! |
9. My new surge toward the happiest, most successful life that I want, through positive, productive thought and action, fueled by many motivational and inspirational resources, including Tony Robbins’ CDs & DVDs, Richard Bandler’s Get the Life You Want, Vegan bodybuilder Robert Cheeke and his words of wisdom (check out his bestselling book), and my Holistic Health Coach certification course through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (let me know if you'd like to learn more about this school!).
If you talk about something, it’s a dream.
If you envision it, it gets exciting – but still doesn’t happen.
When you begin to plan it, it’s possible.
When you schedule it – it’s real.
~Tony Robbins
10. Food + Contests = It’s on. But now I need help. I was so excited to find out that my BST Burgers made it into the finals of Farm Sanctuary/Gene Baur’s Just Eats Tour Recipe Contest. It was casual at first, a small yay!, and voting a little here, a little there. But, in recent developments, it’s gotten serious – of course, it’s a contest! My BST Burgers currently trail the also tasty looking (but enemy recipe, for now) Choco Candy (Granola) Bars. In the spirit of my smiling, and keeping us smiling over here at KMIV, I ask that everyone band together as KMIVers and use your vegan power to help me back into first place. You can vote once a day (possibly a couple of times, I’m still not sure) and the contest ends Friday, June 17th @ 1 PM EST. I ask for your support and your votes, as often as possible (takes only 20-30 second to click, click, click). I appreciate it with all of my heart and stomach (in honor of the food, you know) and, upon winning, will try to find a way to get all of the KMIVers together for a BST Burger BBQ! (If I can come back from this contest deficit, then anything’s possible, right?)
An early batch of my BST Burgers. Loaded with lots of goodies on top! |
Oh, and since I love contests, here’s a contest of my own: If I win I will buy a KMIV Apron for one loyal KMIVer or friend who’s really put an outstanding effort in to help me out – by voting daily, and sharing it with friends and family and everyone else! Let me know through KMIV comments, Facebook comments, etc. The apron will look perfect on you when you make a batch of BST Burgers!
Reason to Smile: Steve's Reasons
Reviewed by citra
Published :
Rating : 4.5
Published :
Rating : 4.5