Farmers' Market Mondays

My great finds from this past Monday's trip to my local FM
There's a new tradition happening in this vegan blogger's household - Farmers' Market Mondays. Our good friends and fellow vegan sidekicks, blogger Brian Leahy and actress/photographer Joanna Wilson, introduced us about a month ago to the magic and wonder that is the West Hollywood Monday Farmers' Market, and Steve and I have been weekly visitors regularly ever since.

I've never been a real "Farmers' Market person," and not because I didn't love and completely respect all that they stand for. It was mostly because I lived in Brooklyn before, and, after getting through a super busy week filled with multiple subway trips and schlepping all of my stuff around the city, the last thing I felt like doing was going out of my regular shopping routine and finding a new place to get my veggies. Silly Lindsay!

Funny part is that I still have a super busy week, filled now with multiple car trips - but I'm still making it a priority to visit and buy yummy produce from my local Farmers' Market. Why?

1) It's cheaper than buying my veggies at Whole Foods (my favorite place in the world, mind you - why do you think I had such trouble giving up that routine?!),

2) It supports local farmers and sustainable farming practices. 

3) It's fun! Since all of the vendors take cash, I usually bring with me twenty to thirty bucks at most, and I almost feel like a kid in a candy store trying to find the best way to spend my money - except my candy store is filled with yummy, wholesome veggies (that taste more delicious to me than candy ever will - all thanks to going vegan! Double win!).

4) Because in California in February, you can get the following veggies and fruits from your local Farmers' Market: kale, bok choy, grapefruits, oranges, lettuce, collard greens, lemons, apples, broccoli, cauliflower, grapes, mushrooms, and avocado - the list goes on and on...

5) When you buy vegetables straight from the source, they just plain taste better!

My kitty loves veggies as much as his mommy does.
6) Because when I remember to bring my own bags and support my local FM, I feel like I've done something good for my community without a whole lot of effort.

7) Because Jumper the cat says so. (see photo at left)

There are oodles more reasons to smile about Farmers' Markets, so I invite you to discover some of your own this week when you - yes, YOU! - visit your local market.

Make sure to comment below to share your experience with the KMIV family.

Interesting in finding your local Farmers' Market? Go to to get started!
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Farmers' Market Mondays
Farmers' Market Mondays
Reviewed by citra
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Rating : 4.5