Okay, I've never been the kind of person to enjoy pre-made meals or meal services. I come from a long history of dieting, eating poorly made (and poorly flavored) Jenny Craig mini meals or counting the calories of a veggie through Weight Watchers. Now, thankfully, I can safely say that my dieting days are over, and with that, overly processed, pre-packaged meals!

Chef Leeloo's food was so yummy that I decided to make him my new sponsor!
After sampling a variety of what Chef Leeloo provided, I questioned whether I would ever cook again (okay, I decided I would, but still!) - that's how delicious this food was. My favorites included the Greek Meatballs and Bulgur, the Eggplant Cannoli, the Sun-dried Tomato Tapenade, and the Pastisada. Each main course or lunch dish includes a protein, grain, and veggie to satisfy even the most finnicky eater. Are these vegan meals enough to make your carnivorous friend or family member question their eating habits? You betcha!
Chef Leeloo's mission statement is clear, as described on his website:
I define gourmet cuisine as delicious cuisine, made from premium ingredients, presented artistically, that nourishes your body to optimize energy. My clients are focused on Life, and I provide them with more time, energy, and focus to enjoy.
Chef Leeloo works hard to provide healthy, yet filling, meals to the masses, and he has already found a huge fan in this vegan blogger.
If you haven't already bought holiday gifts for your family and you live in the So Cal area, why not provide a loved one with a week of satisfying, delicious vegan food to show you care? Sample weeks start at $220, and if money is tight for you this year, you could either go in on the week with a friend or spouse, or if giving a gift, make it come from a group of family members. I'm seriously considering doing another week, especially because with the way my life works, sometimes I'm at home and easily able to cook, and sometimes, I'm just plain exhausted. How wonderful to know that all I have to do is take a wholesome, homemade meal out of the fridge and pop it into the oven! Steve and I don't have a microwave, but if you do own one, heating these dishes is even easier.

Wanna learn more? Just visit www.chefleeloos.com.
And definitely let us know on here if you give Chef Leeloo a try!
P.S. I want to wish everyone a warm and happy holiday and New Year! I'll be home on the East Coast for a while to celebrate, and then it's off to Italy for Steve and my honeymoon (a year in the making!). I may not be blogging until I get back in January, so a big internet hug and smooch from the KMIV family, and definitely stay tuned for some awesome posts to come in the new year, including more podcasts, our much anticipated road-trip blog, interviews, and more!
Chef Leeloos

Reviewed by citra
Published :
Rating : 4.5
Published :
Rating : 4.5