My husband encouraged me to share the video below, however difficult I know it may be to watch.
The following message is from Steve to everyone in the KMIV! community:
It's so easy to look at the positive things in life. Something showing happiness. Something showing success, prosperity, kindness. It's easy to look at these things and get inspired, or smile, or want to spread the positive message around to others. You are, in effect, starting a chain of positivity. Something that will hopefully help and benefit those around you.
Unfortunately, there are many things in this world that do not hold that message of positivity. But that does not mean they should be ignored. That does not mean that they should be hidden from sight for fear of bringing others down. These things should be flipped on their heads - we should take something negative and turn it into something positive.
This following video is one that needs to be seen. It is not pleasant to watch; it does not promote happiness or kindness; it is not positive. However, great good can come from this. The good comes from you. It comes from you when you watch videos like these and discover the cruelty that takes place behind closed doors. It comes from you when you acknowledge that these practices are inhumane and that no living creature should ever be exposed to them. It comes from you when you spread the word to others, letting them know that ignoring them or turning a blind eye will not make a problem or evil in this world go away. It comes from you when you act, consciously and responsibly - by signing a petition, by calling your local representative and telling them "This is not right," by choosing compassion when you choose what you wear, what you eat, and whatever else you buy. Remember, an activist is not an extremist. An activist is someone who cares about something, who sees something that is not right and makes a choice. A choice that says "No more."
Every time we make a choice in life we either help or hurt. We can't expect every choice we make to support the greater good, nor do we do so all the time. But we can try. We really can try our hardest. Be smart. Be brave. Discover, acknowledge, spread the word, and act. Help make this world a better place for every living creature on it.
If, for whatever reason, you cannot handle viewing these images, please at least acknowledge that what is happening in these videos needs to stop. Please act as if you did watch the horrific actions taking place. Please follow the steps below to help stop this abuse from continuing.
And thank you for reading. Thank you for watching. Thank you for acting on your conscience and helping to be a part of the solution, rather than the problem.
Thank you.
Whether you watched this video or not, I know how you may be feeling right now. It's the way I felt after I watched the entire thing, eyes drenched with tears and so much anger in my heart towards the violent perpetrators in this video. I felt absolutely, profoundly, overwhelmingly helpless.
I posted this today because my husband and I felt a deep responsibility to share this and encourage everyone to work to stop this madness from continuing. I encourage you to fight the helpless feeling I know you may be experiencing right now after viewing this. Please know that by taking the time out of your busy day to make room for this, you are already helping. And that is huge. That is something to feel positive about!
For those who want to take this to the next level - to do something about what you witnessed above - here are a few steps you can take:
- Post this video onto your own facebook wall, twitter page, blog webpage, or email this video and story to your friends and family.
- Call the Union County's Prosecutor's Office in Ohio today and ask that the farm owners be criminally charged for their actions. Say that you saw the Mercy for Animals undercover video when you call. Make sure to speak kindly and compassionately when you call - this will be much more effective than asking angrily or aggressively. Their number is 937-645-4190. It takes about twenty seconds, and they are very nice, so don't be afraid to take this step.
- Learn about what Farm Sanctuary is doing in Ohio to help: Make a vital donation to Farm Sanctuary to help them carry on this important work.
- Go to the Ohio Humane website,, and see what you can do to help.
- Visit the Mercy for Animals website, the original source of this video, to learn more.
- If you haven't yet, take a 30-day vegan pledge and try going vegan. This is the best thing you can do to help these animals. Email me at if you need help going vegan, and I will point you in all the right directions.
Love always,
Lindsay and Steve at the "Kiss Me, I'm Vegan!" family
They Need Our Help: A Message from Steve and Lindsay
Reviewed by citra
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Rating : 4.5
Published :
Rating : 4.5